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Assasin skills BUG Topic is solved

i cant put points on some skills

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Hello.First of all i want to say u have great serve with very nice improvments.I am from bulgaria and i play everday from 1 week in the server with friend and we like it very much.Ping is fine and i think its a wonderful place to play again diablo 2.So the problem is this:I create assasin and i would like to try to play it for some Elementals skills like Fist of fire phenix and maybe something else.i see there are some changes but the problem is that i cant build FIST OF FIRE SKILL.He need level 6 . i thouth its some bug or something and i wait till level 30 and put points of other skills in but i still cant build FIST OF FIRE.I click on skill but nothing happen.I use tiger strike and cobra strike now but i see that they are skills for some duration so finishing strike dosnt finish them at all.I guess i only get their bonuses for some duration.My account is CHEFO89TMT
i have barbarian lvl 92 and i now just build druid and assasin to have some fun.I am wondering whats the situation with Assasin's skills because i guess there is some problem or bug for Phenix build which make it impossible.I hope u will check and answer to me.
  • #1 » 5 years ago

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Estou com o mesmo problema! Não consigo colocar pontos em Fists of fire da assassim!
Editado pela última vez por moa em 13 October 2018, em um total de 1 vez.
  • #2 » 5 years ago

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Yes exactly.The problem is that i cant put point on FIST OF FIRE so i cant reach PHENIX STRIKE
  • #3 » 5 years ago

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after level 18 try putting in claws of thunder first
in the next patch we will solve this
  • #4 » 5 years ago

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