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Sugestão para balanceamento de builds

Resolva aqui seus problemas técnicos, tire suas dúvidas e compartilhe suas sugestões para melhorar cada vez mais o servidor
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Percebi que alguma das skills foram melhoradas para tornar novas builds viaveis, porém a falta de itens de final de jogo para essas builds os tornam um pouco impopular, acho que seria uma boa ideia adicionar alguns itens focados nessas builds, segue abaixo algumas sugestões


FangSkin's Tiara
450-600 defense
+1 to all skills
+40 to all resist
10-20 to all atributes
+25%Enhanced damage
+50% enchanced defense
15% Increased atackspeed
+150-300 to Attack rating
10% to cast lvl 15 chain lighting on atack

Nihlathak's Death Crow
300-450 defense
15% to fast cast rate
+1 to +4 corpse explosion
+2 to artic blast
+50% chance to find better magic itens
30% poison resist

Diablo's Horn
450-700 Defense
+3 to fire skills
increase fire skill damage by 10%
+100-400 to fire skill damage
fire resist 50%
+5 to max fire resist
lvl 8-15 Holy fire aura
-10 to enemy fire resist

Baal's Freezing scale
1200-1800 defense
+1 to all skills
lvl 8-15 Holy Freeze aura
Cold resist 50%
+5 to max cold resist
10% to cast lvl 15 blizzard on hit
10% to cast lvl 15 frostorb on hit
lvl 2 frost armor
Damage reduced by 10%
Cannot be frozen

Hadriel's Holy Armor
800-1200 defense
+1 to all skills
lvl 10 Sanctuary aura
+25 to all resist
+20 to all atributes
150% damage against demon
150% damage against undead
100% enhanced defense
40-80% chance to find better magic itens

Bilbo wraps
100-150 defense
-5 to enemy light radius
100-300% chance to find better magic itens

Mephysto's ThunderClaws
250-350 defense
25% increased atack speed
crushing blow
lvl 8-15 holy shock aura
light resist 30%
-5 to enemy lighting resist
40% chance to cast lvl 10 charged bolt on hit
200-400 lighting damage on hit

Master Ip hands

100-200 defense
Atack rating 10-990 (based on caracter lvl)
30% Increased atackspeed
10% to critical hit

BlackTiger Scratch
50-100 defense
25% enhaced samage
25% enhanced defense
15% to increased atackspeed


Flash Boots
50-100 defense
100% to faster run/walk

HogRider Pig boots
+25-35 Faster Run/Walk
+180-300 Enhanced Defense
+15-20 to Strength
+15-20 to Vitality
All Resistances +20-30
Repairs 1 Durability in 10 seconds

Rogue king poison javalin
+2-3 Amazon Skill Levels
+2-3 Javelin Spears Skills
+3-4 Poison Javelin (Amazon Only)
+3-4 to Plague Javelin (Amazon Only
150-200% Enhanced Damage
Replenishes Quantity 1 Per 2 Seconds
+20 to all atributes
30% increased atack speed
6-10% Life Stolen Per Hit
Increased Stack Size

Deckard Cain Horadric Staff

+1-7 to all skill
35% to skill damage
+1-10% to Experience gained
+20% to maximum life
+20% to maximum mana
45% To Fast cast rate

Odin's Wrath Gungnir Glaive
Damage 500-100
+2-3 to all skills
+3 to Javelin and spear skills
+3-5 to fend
30% Increased atackspeed
+10 to all atributes
+20 to dexterity
Deadly Strike
Ignore target defense
Crushing blow
Replenishes Quantity [1 in 3 sec.

Phoenix Claws
+2 to assassin skills
+2 to combat skills
+3 to phoenix strike
15+ to all atributes
20% Increased attack speed
5%-10% Lifestolen per hit

Hydra Lord Phase Blade
+2 to sorc skills
+2-4 to enchant
+3-6 to Hydra
25% Increased atack speed
200-400 fire damage
8-15 LifeStolen per hit
+100 to life
  • #1 » 7 years ago

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Posts: 3
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Bulbo wraps
Flash boots
 BlackTiger Scratch
 Deckard Cain Horadric Staf- tiraria o maxlife e diminuiria cast rate para 40

 Phoenix Claws
 Hydra Lord Phase Blade

Esses são os que concordo e o staff de Cain tb se deixar do jeito que falei.

Added in 52 seconds:
Os outros achei inviáveis, pois se põe o set completo dos demônios, fica muiiiiito forte. :naughty: :naughty:
  • #2 » 7 years ago

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Nem vai ficar, são de elementos diferentes, tu ficaria sem nenhum dano, bem provavel que nem conseguisse solar hell.
  • #3 » 7 years ago

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